Looking for a few ideas to improve your home’s curb appeal in a few easy steps? Here are some ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

  • Create an Instant Garden: Container gardens add a welcoming feel and colorful appeal to any home exterior. Buy ready-made containers from your local garden center and fill with your favorite plants. To create a dynamic setting, plan a staggered, asymmetrical arrangement.

  • Update Your Mailbox: Dress up your mailbox by painting the wooden post to match your home’s exterior color, or by surrounding it with a beautiful flowering garden.

  • Install Window Boxes: Your boxes can be made from copper or iron for a traditional look, or painted wood for a cottage feel. Mix and match flowers and plants to suit your lighting conditions and color scheme.

  • Add Shutters or Accent Trim: Exterior shutters are available in a variety of materials such as wood, aluminum, vinyl, composite, or fiberglass. New composite materials, such as PVC resins or polyurethane, make trim details durable and low maintenance. Have a street view of a boring garage? Consider building a garage arbor and planting flowing vines nearby. Another option with solid curb appeal is a garage portico that features a steel or asphalt roofs.

  • Replace Gutters and Downspouts: An older gutter system can not only make your home look tired, it may no longer be able to do the job. Replace yours with newer, snap-fit vinyl gutter systems that go together easily and require no painting. If you want to make a dramatic impact, a copper system, while pricier, will really stand out among the neighborhood homes.

  • Front Porches and Porticos Add Value to Neighborhoods: Need mega-curb appeal? It’s time to seriously consider updating your residence while adding useable living space.


Georgia Front Porch specializes in exterior facelifts. In fact, we will recommend several different options via photo renderings so you can see exactly how transformative a new porch or portico can be. These realistic options will help you make your decision with confidence. Contact us today to start your home’s transformation.